Terms and Conditions


The website located at www.ihaveadream.ai (collectively the "Site") is a copyrighted work belonging to Webmaster SAS ("Company", "us", "our", and "we"). Certain features of the Site may be subject to additional guidelines, terms, or rules, which will be posted on the Site in connection with such features. All such additional terms, guidelines, and rules are incorporated by reference into these Terms.

These Terms of Use (these "Terms") set forth the legally binding terms and conditions that govern your use of the Site. By accessing or using the Site, you are accepting these Terms (on behalf of yourself or the entity that you represent), and you represent and warrant that you have the right, authority, and capacity to enter into these Terms (on behalf of yourself or the entity that you represent). You may not access or use the Site or accept the Terms if you are not at least 18 years old.

If you do not agree with all of the provisions of these Terms, do not access and/or use the Site.

Free Trial

IHAVEADREAM.AI may, at its own discretion, provide a Subscription that includes a complimentary trial period for a certain duration ("Free Trial").

To participate in the Free Trial, it might be necessary for you to submit your payment details.

Should you provide your billing details while registering for the Free Trial, you will incur no charges until the end of the Free Trial. On the final day of the Free Trial, if you haven't cancelled your Subscription, the fees for the chosen Subscription type, along with any relevant Taxes, will be automatically billed to you.

We maintain the right at any moment, and without prior notice, to either (i) alter the terms and conditions of the Free Trial, or (ii) discontinue the Free Trial offer entirely.


Various sections of IHAVEADREAM.AI's Service are accessible through a subscription model ("Subscription(s)"). Charges for these Subscriptions are made in advance, recurring over set intervals ("Billing Cycle"). These Billing Cycles could be monthly or yearly, based on the subscription plan chosen at the time of purchase.

Upon the conclusion of each Billing Cycle, your Subscription will automatically continue unless cancelled by either you or us before the renewal date. You can terminate your Subscription using your online account management tools or by reaching out to our customer service team. We also have the option to terminate by notifying you of our decision to not proceed with the renewal. We hold the authority to alter the conditions of your Subscription, including the price, at the time of renewal and will inform you of any changes beforehand. Should you disagree with the changes, you have the option to cancel your Subscription as previously mentioned. Failing to cancel before the renewal means you agree to the updated Subscription terms.

We have the right to modify the Subscription terms at each renewal, providing you with sufficient advance notice to allow for cancellation before these changes take effect. If you reject the modifications, you can terminate your Subscription as outlined above. Not cancelling before the renewal implies acceptance of the new terms.

A valid payment method, like a credit card, is necessary for processing your Subscription payments. You are required to give us or our payment service provider accurate and complete billing details as needed for your chosen payment method, including your name, address, and phone number. By providing this payment information, you are granting us permission to charge all Subscription fees and applicable Taxes to your account via the provided payment method.

If I Have a Dream is responsible for collecting or remitting any sales, usage, value-added, or other forms of taxes ("Taxes") related to your Subscription (excluding Taxes on I Have a Dream's net income), these Taxes will be billed to you with the Subscription fee. To ascertain our Tax obligations, we depend on the address you supply at subscription or the one linked to your payment method. If these addresses don't accurately represent your residence's province, territory, state, or country, you are obliged to provide the correct details. You will bear the cost or reimburse I Have a Dream for any Taxes, interest, or penalties that arise from your failure to supply the proper Tax identification information.

In cases where automatic billing doesn't happen for any reason, an electronic invoice will be issued to you, specifying the necessity to manually complete the payment within a specified deadline, corresponding to the period covered in the invoice.


IHAVEADREAM.AI may review requests for refunds on Subscriptions individually and grant them at its exclusive discretion.

Fee Changes

IHAVEADREAM.AI reserves the right to alter the fees for its Subscriptions at any time, based on its own judgment. Any changes in the Subscription fees will be implemented after the current Billing Cycle concludes.

IHAVEADREAM.AI will ensure to give you sufficient advance notice regarding any changes in Subscription fees, allowing you the option to discontinue your Subscription before the new fees are applied.

Your decision to keep using the Service following the implementation of a Subscription fee adjustment indicates your acceptance to comply with the new fee structure.


IHAVEADREAM.AI's Service enables you to post, link, save, share, and display various types of information, text, graphics, videos, or other materials ("Content"). The responsibility for the Content you share on the Service, including its legality, reliability, and appropriateness, lies with you.

When you post, upload, or otherwise submit Content to the Service, you grant us a license to use, alter, publicly perform, display, reproduce, and disseminate such Content within the Service. While you maintain all rights to any Content you contribute, post, upload, or display on or through the Service, it's your job to safeguard those rights.

You affirm and guarantee that: (i) you own the Content or possess necessary rights to use it and endow us with the rights and license as outlined in these Terms, and (ii) your Content's posting, uploading, or submission on or via the Service does not infringe on the privacy, publicity rights, copyrights, contractual rights, or any other rights of any individual.

We hold the authority to block or delete content or materials that we, at our sole discretion, find to be: (i) abusive, defamatory, or obscene; (ii) fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading; (iii) infringing on another's copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights; or (iv) offensive or otherwise objectionable to us.

You recognize that by giving you the facility to view and distribute user-generated content on the Service, we are simply serving as a passive conduit for such distribution and do not assume any responsibility or liability for any content or activities on the Service.

Links To Other Web Sites

IHAVEADREAM.AI's Service may include links to or the option for you to connect with third-party websites, accounts, or services that are not under IHAVEADREAM.AI's ownership or control. IHAVEADREAM.AI does not have authority over and bears no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any external third-party websites or services. You also recognize and agree that IHAVEADREAM.AI shall not be held accountable, either directly or indirectly, for any harm or loss claimed to have been caused by or related to your use of or reliance on any content, products, or services found on or through any such external websites or services. When you link your Google account, you consent to abide by and comply with Google's Terms of Service. We strongly recommend that you review the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any third-party websites or services that you access.

Intellectual Property

The Service and all of its contents, which include but are not limited to text, images, graphics, or code, are owned by IHAVEADREAM.AI and are safeguarded by copyright, trademark, database, and other forms of intellectual property rights. You are allowed to display, copy, download, or print parts of the material from various sections of the Service solely for your personal, non-commercial use. Any usage beyond this is strictly forbidden and could infringe upon copyright, trademark, and other legal statutes. These Terms do not provide you with a license to utilize any trademarks of IHAVEADREAM.AI or its related entities. Additionally, you agree to refrain from altering, removing, or manipulating any proprietary notices from materials obtained from the Service.


You commit to indemnify, defend, and absolve IHAVEADREAM.AI and its executives, officers, directors, agents, employees, contractors, licensors, licensees, suppliers, and affiliates from any and all legal claims, liabilities, expenses, debts, and demands. These include but are not limited to: (a) legal and accounting expenses arising from your usage of the Service; (b) any violation of these Terms by you; (c) your contributions to, uploads to, or any other submissions to the Service; and (d) any actions associated with your account. This encompasses any wrongful or unlawful acts by you or anyone accessing the Service through your account, regardless of whether such access was secured through fraudulent or illegal means.

Limitation Of Liability

IHAVEADREAM.AI, along with its directors, employees, partners, agents, suppliers, or affiliates, shall not bear liability for any form of loss or damage, be it direct or indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive, including but not limited to financial loss, damage to electronic media or data, loss of goodwill, or any other intangible losses. This applies to losses resulting from (i) your access to or use of the Service; (ii) your inability to access or use the Service; (iii) the actions or content of any third party in connection with the Service; (iv) any content acquired from or via the Service; and (v) unauthorized access, use, or alteration of your transmissions or content. This disclaimer applies regardless of whether it's based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), or any other legal theory, and even if IHAVEADREAM.AI has been advised of the potential for such damages. This applies even if a remedy provided here is deemed to have not achieved its fundamental purpose.


IHAVEADREAM.AI reserves the right to cease or suspend your access to our Service promptly, without any prior notice or liability, for any reason, especially if there is a breach of the Terms by you. Following termination, the stipulations of the Terms, including but not limited to ownership clauses, warranty disclaimers, indemnification, and limits on liability, will remain in effect. Once the Service is terminated, your privilege to utilize the Service will be revoked immediately. Should you choose to close your account, you can simply stop using the Service.


As previously mentioned, certain jurisdictions do not permit the exclusion of specific warranties or the exclusion or limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages. Therefore, the above limitations and exclusions may not be applicable to you. French law may govern certain products and services provided by IHAVEADREAM.AI.

Disclaimer And Non-Waiver of Rights

IHAVEADREAM.AI does not make any explicit or implied promises, statements, or warranties concerning the Service. All warranties, terms, and conditions that might be implied are excluded to the maximum extent that the law allows. The Service is used entirely at your own risk and is provided on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis, without warranties of any kind, whether they are express or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, non-infringement, or course of performance, except as required by the laws of any French province, where such provincial laws shall apply as needed.

IHAVEADREAM.AI, its affiliates, and licensors do not guarantee that (i) the Service will operate without interruption, be secure or available at any specific time or place; (ii) errors or defects will be corrected; (iii) the Service is devoid of viruses or other harmful elements; or (iv) using the Service will fulfill your needs.

If you violate any of these Terms and IHAVEADREAM.AI does not immediately or at all take action, IHAVEADREAM.AI still retains the right to exercise its rights and remedies at any later time or in any other situation where you breach these Terms. IHAVEADREAM.AI's rights are not considered waived under any circumstances. IHAVEADREAM.AI is not liable for any alleged breach of these Terms due to factors beyond its control. A non-party to these Terms has no enforcement rights.

You are prohibited from assigning, sub-licensing, or transferring any of your rights under these Terms.

Governing Law

These Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of France, where applicable. Should any clause of these Terms be found invalid or unenforceable by a court with the appropriate jurisdiction, the remaining clauses will continue to be effective. These Terms represent the entire understanding between IHAVEADREAM.AI and yourself concerning the Service, overtaking and replacing any previous agreements, whether spoken or written, related to the Service.


IHAVEADREAM.AI holds the right to alter or replace these Terms at any given time, based on our own judgment. In the case of a significant revision, we will endeavor to provide a minimum of 30 days' notice before any new terms become effective. The definition of what constitutes a significant change will be decided at our sole discretion.

Your continued use of our Service after such revisions indicates your acceptance of the new terms. If you are not in agreement with the new terms, either entirely or partially, you are advised to discontinue using the website and the Service.

Contact Us

For inquiries, please reach out to:

Webmaster SAS
10 rue de Penthievre
75008 - Paris, France
Email: support@ihaveadream.ai